Talk:Nick and Lucan: Six Sketches in Sixty Minutes

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Transcript of "A Few Decent Men"[edit source]

Lucan: "Well, my life started... I guess it really started in Vietnam. Before then, it was just... School. High school, elementary, just going through the motions: test this day, test next day. Girlfriend this, girlfriend that. After I was deployed— after I was drafted, I got this rush that I never knew I could get. It was, this rush of challenge and hardship... It kept me going. When they actually sent me out for combat, I ju— I can't believe they did it. Oh God. All those jungles, all those thick jungles, ughhh... I just can't it out of my head. Oh God, all the friends I have lost... I... After the jungle, I was never the same; there was never the rush, it was just... Hell. Even after— even after I went to the reserves, and I got discharged, I was never the same. Every morning, I felt like they were going to stab me, my wife, my kids... My wife didn't last long; she couldn't live with it. She could never live with it. She took the kids, took the house, took everything. I was on the streets. And that's how they treated their fucking veterans. Like God-damned swine pigs. They just threw us out. Win an award and just fucking throw us out into the road, and slaughter it in the fucking houses... Now I'm here... I had to be sent to an insane asylum because, because I just couldn't take it. I mean... Just fuckin' Chinese towns, fuckin' Chinese places... We were spies... You know how I feel, right? Right?"

Pikachu: "Oh yes, I understand everything you say! I was once a veteran too, myself, a-hey-hey!! You know, on my first day of-a the deployment, it was-a the July-a fourth in-a nineteen seventy three. Oh my God, it was-a so scary! Oh my God, you don't even know how scary it was. It was... It was... It was nightmare, the napalm and the orphans! They was, they was burnin' in the hammocks, OH MY GOD I KILLED THEM, I KILLED THEM! I don't know what accent I'm-a doin' but it is a spooky one. I used to have a normal accent, then I went to Viet-Naaaaaam! You know what I mean?"

Lucan: "...I'm talking about the time I went to a Vietnamese food place and I got terrible diarrhea. I... I think... I think we need to talk about your life choices. Please, tell me when it all started."

Pikachu: "It all started, when I took-a the clarinet class..."