Quadruplets Cinematic Universe
The "Quadruplets Cinematic Universe" is a fictional continuous universe of films first referenced in PWN 10. It refers to a fictitious film series based around Adam Sandler and his unfortunate film, Jack and Jill. Throughout the following episodes, the joke was greatly expanded on, and has become one of the largest inside jokes in PWN history.
Context[edit | edit source]
Background[edit | edit source]
PWN 10[edit | edit source]
PWN 13[edit | edit source]
PWN 14[edit | edit source]
The Quadruplets Universe[edit | edit source]
In classical Quadruplets canon, there are four films:
- Jack and Jill - The only actual, real film in the canon. Features Adam Sandler as both Jack and Jill.
- Quadruplets!? - The story of Original Adam Sandler's four identical sons, all played by Adam Sandler.
- Octuplets (also called Adam Sandler: Fury Road) - Tells the story of the Quadruplet's children, four sets of identical octuplets, with eight male Adam Sandlers each. At their annual "Octo-pella", the Original Adam Sandler uses the remote from Click to freeze all the Adam Sandlers.
- Newton v. Alians - Though not immediately recognizable as a Quadruplets film, it tells the story of Isaac Newton and his journey into space as a stowaway on an Alien spacecraft, to fight the terrifying "Alians". It is revealed, however, upon his return to Earth, that he has carried an infantile Adam Sandler Alian in his chest. These Adam Sandler Alians are what bring about the wasteland Earth in the film Octuplets.
Characters[edit | edit source]
- Original Adam Sandler (Adam Sandler) - The first Adam Sandler, an ancient man who fathers a set of quadruplets with his wife, Adam Sandler in Drag.
- The Chosen Sandler (Adam Sandler) - The youngest of all thirty-two octuplets, ridiculed by his brothers and cousins. He is the mortal enemy of Chestburster Adam Sandler.
- Kevin James (Kevin James) - An Ancient One, like Original Adam Sandler, who is the only survivor of the Great Pausing, and becomes a feared warlord and leader of the Sextuple Squad in The Wasteland.
- Isaac Newton - A brilliant mathematician who journeys into space aboard the Alian Cruiser, when it mistakenly lands in 16th century England. He becomes a Galactic Hero, as he nearly overthrows the Alian Empire. However, he is killed by Chestburster Adam Sandler, who hid within his body on his return to Earth.
- The Alians - An ancient time-faring species, evolved from the Adam Sandlers of The Wasteland. They are the ones who create The Remote, and use it to travel back in time. However, it is lost when the Alians crashland in sixteenth century England. They are all but eradicated by Isaac Newton.
- Chestburster Adam Sandler - The last of the Alians, who kills Isaac Newton. He spends four hundred years multiplying under the ground. When Original Adam Sandler freezes his children, the new Alian Race emerge from the ground and invade the Earth.
In-Universe Chronology[edit | edit source]
In Newton v. Alians, we begin with Isaac Newton sat beneath a tree. An apple falls on him, but then begins to be sucked up into the sky by the tractor beam of an Alian ship. Isaac takes out his Flaming Laser Sword, and flies up to the ship, where he begins to decapitate the Alians. During his journey aboard the ship, he begins using calculus to determine the best ways to kill the Alians.
Upon returning to Earth, he sits beneath a tree, but an Adam Sandler-Alian hybrid breaks from his chest. The chestburster Alian hides deep beneath the ground for hundreds of years thereafter.
After the plot of Jack and Jill, but before the start of Quadruplets!?, Adam Sandler and his wife, played by Katie Holmes, have a set of quadruplets, all of whom are named Adam Sandler. It is unclear what happens to his other two adopted children. The plot of Quadruplets!? is never elaborated, but is implied to be very similar to the plot of Jack and Jill. Furthermore, Oringal Adam Sandler appears to be absent from the lives of his four eponymous children.
In the climatic scene of Quadruplets!?, the quadruplet Adam Sandlers gather around for one of their wives' ultrasound. It is then revealed that she is pregnant with octuplets.
In between Quadruplets!? and the start of Octuplets" each of the other three quadruplet Adam Sandlers fathers a set of octuplets, making for a total of thirty-two grandchildren of Orinal Adam Sandler. The film is set roughly twenty years after The ending of Quadruplets!?, and almost fifty years after Jack and Jill. The film starts at the family's annual "Octo-pella", an a capella competition in the vein of Pitch Perfect, where each set of octuplets sings a song. The concert is interrupted by a shadowy figure, who enters the room draped in old robes. It is revealed to be Original Adam Sandler, the father of the Quadruplets. He dons the Remote from Click, and uses it to pause all the Adam Sandlers.
A thousand years have gone by, and an apocalypse has begun. It is revealed in Newton v. Alians that the apocalypse was caused by a race of Adam Sandler-Alian hybrids who had been multiplying underground since the 1600s. Awakened by the Great Pausing, they begin to emerge from the ground, and call for their fleets to come to Earth. The Earth is nearly destroyed. A man in the desert waste discovers the Remote burried in the ground, and inadvertently turns the Adam Sandlers back on. The Quadruplet Adam Sandlers, which had been paused a thousand years prior, see the state of the universe, and begin trying to revert things using the Remote.