Locations on PWN

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This article refers to locations used for the filming of the PWN show. Over the years, several different locations have been used to record PWNs, each with its own backstory. As of PWN #21, five different loactions have been used.

Location One - "The Tech Room"[edit | edit source]

Location Two - "The Cage Room"[edit | edit source]

Location Three - "The Echo Chamber"[edit | edit source]

Location Four - "The Bar"[edit | edit source]

A small majority of PWNs, as of episode 22, have been shot at "The Bar", a counter in Ari's renovated house. Nine of the twenty one episodes have been shot entirely or in part at that counter, as well as other sketches and shorts.

The first PWN to be shot at the newest location and released was the two part Hollywood is Dead: PWN 10. The second part of the episode features the first of several cutaway gags which have been unofficially dubbed "Garage Nick", filmed in Nick's garage. This was the first video on the channel to feature the interior of Nick's house since The Game, and the last until Things are Changing.

The opening to The Star Wars Holiday Special: PWN 11 shows other parts of Ari's new house, including his bedroom and the living room, both of which would later be featured in PWN sketches. As the group opens presents, the bar can be hriefly seen.

A scene from A Hot Lead was shot at this location, a fact that is mentioned during the episode of PWN which covers the film.

On Christmas day in 2017, The Last Jedi Review - PWN 17 was released. The majority of the episode was shot at the Bar, but at the timecode 23:07, the group switches for the first time over to the Garage.

The most recent episode shot at Location Four was The Great Recap of 2017: PWN 18 - Part One. The second part of that episode was shot at the Garage, as were the subsequent PWNs.

Location Five - "The Garage"[edit | edit source]

As mentioned above, the first episode to feature the Garage was PWN #17, where the final seven minutes of the review were filmed with the group sitting together in a bed in the garage. There was no table yet. Similarly, the second part of PWN #18 was shot without a table in the garage.

The first episode intentionally shot in full in the garage was The Academy Awards: PWN 19, with the trio seated on the bed with a folding table in front of them. That episode was the second to feature "Garage Nick".

Other Locations[edit | edit source]

A few other locations have been considered for recording PWNs, though only a couple have been used. An unreleased episode of PWN, which would have been PWN #8, was filmed at Location Three, but at a different angle than usual, facing a nearby fireplace. A second unreleased episode of PWN, where the trio discuss the 2017 Comic Con trailers, was filmed at the couches where Chess to the Death was filmed.

Other locations considered for PWN have included classrooms, the school theater, Wesley's house, and an office at Saritasa, the set used for the Detective's Guild in A Hot Lead.