"Batman!" is a running joke in PWN, first used in the first episode of the show, Interstellar: PWN 1. Despite not gaining much laughter in its original usage, the joke has become something of a legend in PWN history, having been used by every major PWN actor a least once. It is often considered one of Paul's greatest moments on the show.
Usage[edit | edit source]
The joke was first used in the first episode of PWN, when Nick was describing the crew behind Interstellar. He says "this is a Christopher Nolan movie". Paul, attempting to point out another beloved work of Nolan's, stands up, leans in, lifts his finger, and saying "Who directed... Batman!!!", before slamming his palm on the table, and sitting down. At first, the only reaction he gets is a grin from Nick and Wes.
The first time the joke was referenced was in PWN 3, in which the original clip is used (however, a part was cut out featuring both Paul and Nick saying it). The joke was also refered to in the unuploaded fandoms episode, where all four people present attempt to duplicate the original.
Reaction[edit | edit source]
Nick - Nick has said of the joke, "It's one of the cardinal jokes of PWN. There's 'The Girl got Old, 'You Don't Know a Thing About Anacondas', and 'Batman!'. It's probably the way he said it that makes it so memorable, but I can't say for sure."
Wes - "It's weird that this is such a big PWN joke. We didn't think much of the joke at the time, and I never thought it would be so important among us. I often forget that the joke really originated in PWN 1, because we reference it so much with each other that it has just become part of the PWN vernacular."