A Very Hot Lead: PWN 13

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A Very Hot Lead: PWN 13
Basic Information
  Release date February 2017
  Runtime 22m 16s
  Series PWN
Cast and Crew
  Written by: Wesley Davies
Ari Froehlich
Nick Geoghegan
  Edited by: Nick Geoghegan
  Starring: Wesley Davies
Ari Froehlich
Nick Geoghegan

A Very Hot Lead: PWN #13 is the thirteenth episode of PWN, uploaded to PaulWesNick on February 24, 2017. It features Ari Froehlich, Wesley Davies, and Nick Geoghegan. At the time of its upload, it was the longest PWN released, more than five minutes longer than the previous longest episode. The video features a lengthy discussion of the then recently released A Hot Lead, PWN's first feature film.

Nick regards it as his favorite episode of PWN, often citing the five minute interlude of Adam Sandler jokes as possibly the greatest PWN moment ever featured in an episode.

Description[edit | edit source]

The Adam Sandler Interlude

The now infamous five minute discussion of a fictional Adam Sandler film, called Octuplets, began seven minutes and thirty seconds into the video. It is not exactly clear as to why the name "Octuplets" is brought up, though it is Ari who first says the name of the "film". Upon hearing the word, Nick suggests that a fake trailer for the film should be made, leading to Ari's questioning of where the joke came from. They establish for the first time that the movies Quadruplets!? and Octuplets are two independent ideas.

A banjo chord ushers in the next five minutes of hilarity. At the end of the film "Quadruplets!?", the Female Adam Sandler is recieving and ultrasound, when it is revealed that she is pregnant with eight of Male Adam Sandler children. Wes realizes that if each Quadruplet has eight children, then there are a total of thirty-two Adam Sandler children. The Adam Sandlers have a yearly family reunion, in the form of what Wesley dubs an "octo-pella", where each team of eight Adam Sandlers competes for the crown. However, there is family drama brought about by incest between the various Adam Sandlers.

Suddenly, an old man appears from the shadows, revealing himself as an ancient Adam Sandler: the grandfather of the youngest generation of Sandlers. He uses the remote from Click to pause all the other Adam Sandlers. A thousand years pass, turning the world into a wasteland, which Ari calls "Adam Sandler: Fury Road". An inhabitant of this world discovers the frozen Sandlers and accidentally reactivates them, causing the Sandler Uprising. The various clans of Sandlers break off and begin to fight amongst themselves.

Ari wishes to establish exactly what the family tree of the Sandler Family looks like. From the Original Adam Sandler, there are four "Quadruplet" Adam Sandlers, each of which bears a set of Octuplets. However, Nick questions how these Adam Sandlers replicate. They establish that the Adam Sandlers undergo mitosis to multiply, with a parasitic Adam Sandler growing from each Father. Ari draws a comparison to the film Alien, causing the most outrageous laughter of the video, as Nick describes a "Chestburster Adam Sandler", which is promptly animated.

Background[edit | edit source]

The PWN was released shortly after the release of A Hot Lead.

Films Referenced[edit | edit source]

Inside Jokes[edit | edit source]

Music Used[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]

Preceded by
Best of 2016: PWN 12
Episodes of PWN
July 13, 2017
With: Ari Froehlich
Wes Davies
Nick Geoghegan
Succeeded by
Series That Need to Die: PWN 14
Preceded by
The Hottest Lead
PWN Videos
July 13, 2017
Succeeded by
The Great Kidnap of '43
Cast Members
Preceded by
A Hot Lead
Wes Davies
A Very Hot Lead: PWN #13
Succeeded by
The Great Kidnap of '43
Preceded by
The Hottest Lead
Ari Froehlich
A Very Hot Lead: PWN #13
Succeeded by
The Great Kidnap of '43
Preceded by
A Hot Lead
Nick Geoghegan
A Very Hot Lead: PWN #13
Succeeded by
The Great Kidnap of '43