Talk:List of Episodes of PWN

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No. Episode Title Date Cast Editor(s) Description
Paul Gaurano Ford Fairon Ari Froehlich Wes Davies Nick Geoghegan Joey Cianfrani Guests
1 Interstellar: PWN 1 10/25/14 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio watches the trailer for Interstellar and discusses their hopes and expectations.
2 Monster Movies: PWN 2 11/2/14 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio discuss some of their favorite movie monsters.
3 Marvel: PWN 3 11/8/14 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio discuss almost every Marvel movie from Phases One and Two, and talk about what's coming in Phase Three.
4 Our Mission Impossibles: PWN 4 3/27/15 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio watches a trailer for Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation and discuss their expectations, while coming up with their own "Mission: Impossibles".
5 Force Awakens Trailer: PWN 5 4/24/15 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio watches the Star Wars: Force Awakens trailer, and predict how the film will turn out.
6 Movie Tropes: PWN 6 6/23/16 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio discusses their favorite and least favorite movie tropes and cliches.
7 Doctor Strange: PWN 7 8/4/16 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio watches the Doctor Strange trailer and discusses expectations.
8 Disappointing Movies: PWN 8 9/30/16 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio talk about some of the most disappointing movies of the last few years.
10 Hollywood is Dead: PWN 10 - PART ONE 12/15/16 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio discuss the current state of a possibly dying Hollywood, and go over the numbers to see if 2016 truly was the worst year for movies.
Hollywood is Dead: PWN 10 - PART TWO 12/16/16 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio continues their discussion on Hollywood's encroaching doom, and discuss how to potentially fix their worsening problems.
11 The Star Wars Holiday Special: PWN 11 12/25/16 Yes Yes Yes Kiersten Muse Nick Geoghegan The trio (joined by their friend Kiersten) watch and discuss the infamously awful Star Wars Holiday Special.
12 Best of 2016: PWN 12 2/24/17 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio talk about some of their favorite movies of 2016.
13 A Very Hot Lead: PWN 13 7/13/17 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio talk extensively about the production of their recently released feature film, A Hot Lead
14 Series That Need to Die: PWN 14 9/1/17 Yes Yes Yes Ari Froehlich, Nick Geoghegan The trio attempt to "fix" some of Hollywood's dying film series, including Alien and Transformers.
15 Summer of '17 - PWN 15 9/15/17 Yes Yes Yes Wes Davies, Nick Geoghegan The trio talk about their favorite and least favorite summer films in 2017, and also some hurricanes.
16 Just the Worst Movies - PWN 16 12/15/17 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio talk about some of the worst ideas for upcoming films, as well as some recent movies that make you wonder "why?"
17 The Last Jedi Review - PWN 17 12/24/17 Yes Yes Yes Lucan Stargiotti Nick Geoghegan The trio talk about The Last Jedi. That's really all there is to it.
18 The Great Recap of 2017: PWN 18 - Part One 2/9/18 Yes Yes Yes Chloe Smith Nick Geoghegan The trio talk about the movies of 2017. Some that they've discussed before, others that they haven't. Also, the group revisits some predictions made in PWN #10.
Our Oscar Predictions: PWN 18 - Part Two 2/16/18 Yes Yes Yes Chloe Smith Nick Geoghegan The trio discuss the Academy Award nominees for 2017, and make predictions of who or what will win.
19 The Academy Awards - PWN 19 3/9/18 Yes Yes Yes Wes Davies, Nick Geoghegan The trio talk about the Academy Awards: what won and what should have.
20 The 2017 PWNIE Awards - PWN 20 3/16/18 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio announces the winners of the third annual PWNIE Awards!
21 Is the Marvel Cinematic Universe Good? - PWN 21 5/4/18 Yes Yes Yes Wes Davies The trio discuss upcoming MCU films and whether they are even worth it.
22 Summer Movies in 2018 - PWN 22 9/28/18 Yes Yes Yes Wes Davies The trio talk about their favorite and least favorite movies from the summer of 2018.
23 Gnome More Gnome Movies - PWN 23 10/19/18 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio discuss gnome movies. That's what we have come to. Gnomes.
24 Done With the Damned? - PWN 24 10/26/18 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio talks about a movie that they made, what they learned while making it, and why nobody will ever see it.
25 Gangster Movies - PWN 25 11/9/18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio are joined by their friend Joey to discuss some of the best gangster movies.
26 Teen Movie Marathon - PWN 26 11/16/18 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio talks about teen movies, in particular four of them.
27 Harry Potter and the Pretty Good Movies - PWN 27 12/7/18 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio talks about the Harry Potter universe, and what separates it from other inferior cinematic universes.
28 The Untitled PWN 12/14/18 Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio hold a game show to determine the plots of untitled films.
29 Netflix Originals: PWN 29 Yes Yes Yes Wes Davies, Nick Geoghegan The trio discuss three Netflix original releases, of varying levels of quality.
30 The Dark Knight - PWN 30 12/25/18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Lucan Stargiotti Nick Geoghegan The trio discuss their cumulative favorite movie, The Dark Knight.
In Defense of the Phantom Menace... - PWN Yes Yes Yes Lucan Stargiotti Nick Geoghegan The trio defend their respective opinions on the infamous Phantom Menace. Can Wes convince the others? Will he finally relent?
Best of 2018 - PWN Yes Yes Yes Wes Davies, Nick Geoghegan The trio discuss their favorites from 2018, as well as the recently released Oscar nominations.
The 2018 PWNIE Awards - PWN 3/1/19 Yes Yes Yes Yes Nick Geoghegan The trio announces the winners of the forth annual PWNIE Awards.
REDACTED - PWN Yes Yes Yes The trio discuss their newest feature, REDACTED.
REDACTED - PWN Yes Yes Yes Yes The trio discuss REDACTED, joined by the REDACTED creator, Joey Cianfrani.
This Year in Film... - PWN Yes Yes Yes Wes Davies, Nick Geoghegan The trio discuss