Best of 2014: PWN 4

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Best of 2014: PWN 4 is an unreleased episode of PWN featuring Paul Gaurano, Wes Davies, and Nick Geoghegan. It is infmaous for being the last video that Paul ever made with PWN, and was unreleased for multiple reasons. Had it been uploaded, it would have been the first video of 2015, as well as the first PWN to be shot in the Cage Room.

Unlike the previous unreleased episode of PWN, which was later released in 2018 as a subscriber special, Best of 2014 will likely never be uploaded. However, clips of it can be seen in both the One Year of PWN! video, and in the blooper video for PWN 6.

Description[edit | edit source]

PWN Statements[edit | edit source]

Nick has said on mutliple occasions, "I doubt the Best of 2014 PWN will ever see the light of day." He adds that despite this fact, "I will never delete it, because in my mind, it is the most important video in PWN history. It's the video that made PWN grow up. It was no longer about making silly sketches or contentless PWNs. Everything became much clearer. Its now about a balance between content and comedy."

Wes states that, "This is not a good video. It isn't funny, and we don't even manage to go through our favorite movies of the year. Additionally, it was a little disappointing that this was Paul's last video. He certainly added a comedic character that is unlike anything PWN has ever seen again. However, perhaps it was for the better. Paul had already started to care less about PWN, so it is almost convenient that he quit before the PWNs started diminishing in quality. Fortunately, Paul is still, and always will be, one of our best friends, even if he wouldn't like to participate in PWN anymore. We respect his decision and leave an opening to him if he ever wishes to come back. We also honor his legacy by keeping PWN's name, even if the character on the left does not have a first initial of P. It's the least we could do to thank Paul for helping us get the show and the channel off the ground."

See Also[edit | edit source]